The Gabay Synagogue Software


is an advanced system for managing all aspects of your Bet Knesset/synagogue. A result of several years of development work, the program is suited to all types of congregations and covers all Minhagim. The development team includes religious professional software experts who have succeeded in building a quality product with an emphasis on ease of use for the Gabay as well as the financial side of your house of prayer.






Membership database with detailed entry covering all aspects of membership

Management of Aliyot

A comprehensive system to manage all the Aliyot allowing for a fair allocation of Aliyot


Accounting Management

Easy entry of all income (dues, donations etc).

Listing of all expenses

General features

Windows based - very intuitive and easy to use - with a well-engineered user interface

תוכנת הגבאי, יהלום מערכות מידע, ת.ד 826 אשקלון 7859507 ,  טלפון  0546626298